RIM Reassures Customers of BlackBerry Data Security

Today, RIM told and reassured customers that their data is safely secure. They noted that “no one, including RIM, can access” encrypted customer data. This comes days after regulators in the United Arab Emirates said they will be banning BlackBerry in their country starting in October. The BlackBerry network is designed “to exclude the capability for RIM or any third party to read encrypted information under any circumstances,” RIM’s statement said.

RIM assures customers that it will not “compromise the integrity and security of the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution,” the statement said.

Congratulations to RIM for making a product which has privacy and security built into it’s physical structure to make it impossible to physically snoop into the data, regardless of the political power of any totalitarian government. Privacy is important for customers and I think their sales will now go way up! ”- Frank Wilson
