Angela Simmons Gets a 24k Gold BlackBerry 9700

Angela Simmons, who is the daughter of  pioneer member of the group Run-DMC ,definitely knows how to add some bling to her BlackBerry Bold 9700. GlobalGrind has obtained details and a photo of the glamorous smartphone. The entire phone, all bezels, buttons and keys appear to be gold with the exception of the Trackpad.

When looking at her homescreen, I noticed she is a T-Mobile subscriber. It appears she has full 3G signal and might have been doing some bluetooth sharing because her bluetooth is turned on.  Her alarm is also enabled, making me wonder what time it is set at?? She does not have her messages folder combined, and does not hide her email folders. Personally, I have my messages folders combined, and all my email folders are hidden to keep my information a little safer. She has BBM as her second icon, so we can guess she uses it often. Also, she appears to be an Ubertwitter user. Do you think she has beta 8 installed? Anyone that has a connection to her want to let her know?

Are you a fan of Gold BlackBerry devices? Is your BlackBerry full of bling? Let us know how your device is decorated!