BlackBerryEmpire Presents Dontà Speaks- Episode 1

New to blackberryempire is our column known as The Empire TimesDontà Speaks is going to be the name of the show, and I say show because not only are we going to provide written articles, but video segments as well. Think of it as tuning in to your normal 5 o’clock news station. In Dontà Speaks, numerous subjects will be covered ranging from devices, device rumors, applications, hardware, even down to international relations issues all dealing with BlackBerry. No need to search more, The Empire Times has you covered! In our premier episode, Dontà speaks on the all new Torch 9800 that has everyone in awe, the Curve 3G 9300 that has people wondering why this wasn’t dropped sooner and the anticipated BB6. Briefly, he touches base on the Blackpad, and gives his thought over the data monitoring issues in the Middle East. This is a very complicated subject but once you understand how the BlackBerrry security works, it makes some sense. I wrote on it here, so if you want to know more on RIMs encryption and security issue, you should check the link. Let’s jump right into the main event >>>

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That concludes The Empire Times’ first Dontà Speaks episode. What did you think? What do you want to see covered by The Empire Times? Let us know, we’ll get the scoop for you! Want to voice your BlackBerry opinion? Want to have your own column in the The Empire Times? If so, let me know so we can arrange that.