I’m a 32 year old female who has been married for almost 10 years. I have three children and I work part-time outside of the home. I have hobbies as well as friends and numerous outside interests. I also have a BlackBerry, this inanimate object that has somehow taken over my life. My husband got an 8330 for work and asked me to transfer his contacts for him. This is where the problem started. I loved the thing so much that I went out and added a line for my teenage daughter just so I could get an 8330 too. At first it was just a handy device to make calls, get my emails on the run & keep my Facebook page updated. I soon discovered the world of hybrids, themes & apps and my journey to the dark side was complete. I would spend HOURS searching sites for the latest and greatest and have bricked my device a time or two. I’m almost ashamed to admit that my BlackBerry has taken over my life. It is the very first thing I look at in the morning & the last thing I glance at before going to sleep. I have friends I have never met on my BBM who probably know more about me than those I see face to face on a daily basis. My BlackBerry has so completely taken over that my husband has actually requested that I put it away when we’re having a conversation or watching TV because he can’t stand the clicking noise of me typing. I find this extremely funny but he however does not. I thank the entire BlackBerry Empire site for giving me this chance to share my passion for all things BlackBerry. I can’t wait to write my next post and look forward to hearing feedback from the members.