A new study has surfaced which was done by Prosper Mobile Insights which reveals to us what our smartphones say about us. According to Prosper Mobile Insights, Android and iPhone users are the heaviest app downloaders among smartphone owners at around 85% while BlackBerry users are downloading apps at 60%.
Also, when looking at the type of apps downloaded, games dominate on all 3 major mobile platforms – iOS, Android, BlackBerry. Around 80% of Android and iPhone users play games on their phones, compared to 64% of BlackBerry users.
This piece is also interesting to look at.
BlackBerry owners have the highest average annual income, at $84,000, followed by iPhone owners, who have an average income of $83,000. Android users come in with lower incomes than the other two devices, $65,000, which may account for a higher population of students in the mix than the other device holders.