Technology is constantly changing and it’s going to change plenty in the future as well. Diego Ruiz Duran believes that these changes are going to make everyday life even easier than the current technology. Things like 5G, self-driving, personal profiling, and 3D printing are going to make a huge difference in how people approach their everyday life and hopefully, it will help the economy as a whole.
Since 5G has come out people all around have been talking about it. It is supposed to be the “future of communication”. Some goals of 5G are to have a bigger and broadband for mobile communication and It also increases flexibility and the support of the system. 5G allows an opening for other businesses to find their advantages. Another big thing popping up is self-driving cars. Places like Tesla, Alphabet, and Waymo all have this in common. They have all started developing self-driving technology. Tesla and chief Elan music have started on a design for a self-driving car for the future. However for these cars to take a drive in the real world there has to be plenty of tests and more tweaks in the technology because we have never seen anything like this before. People have been planning to have self-driven and flying cars by now, and we can finally see the designs for the future. It is now estimated that we will have cars driving within the next two years.
Some more technology trends like enhancing cognitive abilities will help someone more than anything else ever could. This is the process where someone’s physical and cognitive abilities are strengthened. When one is planted into somebody it will help the person get through the tasks in their day or at hand when it was impossible for them before. This will also improve one’s ability to think and make better decisions. On the other hand, we have seen personal profiling popping up more and more. People see this as a way that the government is hacking our phones and tech but in reality, it’s just a way that companies and other people are seeing what others are interested in. Using this technology allows analytics to get information that they weren’t able to ever see beforehand. There has already been an app in development by Sam’s Club. This app is a machine learning type of system. Therefore looking at what customers and consumers have already bought and allowing it to autofill their lists.
Diego Ruiz Duran is a very successful man. He built his name up after creating his own law firm and running it for so long. He talks about how he had to advertise for himself. Since Duran isn’t a product himself he has to advertise himself as the product. He has to use advertisements to give a glimpse of his personality and the qualities he has to give someone who is spending their money on him. Technology is taking over, however, robots and other technology cant express emotion and empathy or anything that someone else can express to someone one on one. The new technology might be able to autofill the grocery lists and see what everyone gets on their phone but they will never be able to establish those feelings or emotions.