Donta here reporting to you about the recent OS leaks. We have had BB6 leaks for the 9800, 9780 and 9650. I am seriously upset about it. I believe we should have an OS 6.0 leak for the 9700 already. At least make it a build that wasn’t so good so we can complain for a month before the official or a better leak is released. I want OS 6.0. I’ve switched from my 6.0 theme to make myself feel better about not having the real deal. Now, the Torch has official 6.0 releases, why does it need a leak? The 9650 is the most recent Bold so it makes sense for it to get that 6.0 leak, I mean, how many people actually have that Bold? I don’t think too many do. So, it makes sense to satisfy the small number of users for that device. As for the 9780 leak, I understand why we got that leak, all devices in the past have gotten OS leaks before they were released, so, it would only serve history right. The way I see it, the 9700 should have gotten a leak already. People complain about OS builds being buggy but are so quick to test every single one that is released. I have tested over 10 OS builds for my 8900 and 9700. If a 6.0 leak for the 9700 wasn’t so good, I’d still be happy that I have one. We know it is compatible so, why not just get one out to us? Does anyone agree with me here?
Check out this video of me discussing a recent OS leak and BB6 >>
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