Once again we bring you another great theme review extracted from the forum, this one being Tropical Split by Tattooz BB Themez. In short you get:
Custom 12 icon side sliding dock, half slides from the right and half from the left, 2 upper hiding icons with a small top and bottom banner. VERY wallpaper friendly, Smooth, fast and efficient
Now for the good part!
The theme I will be reviewing for tonight is Tropical Split by Tattooz. Tattooz is a member here on the forums. When I saw this theme I immediately liked it because of its tropical backround and that it has both a sliding and hidden dock! With the Tropical Split theme you get a high quality theme for a low price!! I am reviewing the OS6 version with my BlackBerry Bold 9700.
The dock opens by pressing the 0 key and closes by pressing the ESC key – good shortcuts. Not your average hidden dock theme, this one splits the dock in half and slides to the left and right sides of the screen. Closing and opening the dock is very swift and efficient. Keep the dock open as long as you like or close it after you are done using it. Two application slots located at the top left and top right of the home screen for your favorite weather application or any other application native or third-party that you pick. Accessing the application slots is simple and just takes pressing up on the trackpad. For the upper icons they can be hidden/unhidden by pressing x to hide and z to unhide. Below is a screen shot of how it looks with everything hidden.
Features the new OS 6.1 icons which go well with this theme. On home screen the icons on the dock are smaller then normal sized icons. New message indciators are shown at bottom center of home screen and top center of the menu screen. Wallpaper freindly shown with a user selected wallpaper below (Passage Default OS6 Wallpaper).
Extremely low file size only 475 KB so this theme will not take up that much room on your application memory of your BlackBerry device. No lagging at all, everything is fast and responsive.
space – QuickLaunch
c – Contacts
l – Calendar
m – Messages
n – Messenger
b – Browser
d – Memo
k – Lock
o – Options
u – Calculator
t – Tasks
q – Profiles
As a result this theme is one of a kind and perfect for the summer time which will be here before you know it. This theme receives a 5/5 rating from me. I like the fastness of the dock and how the icons are placed dirrectly in the center of the screen, another great part of this screen is having the ability to hide both docks for a wallpaper freindly look. Overall this theme performed well and I couldn’t find anything wrong with it or that I would change.
Price: 0.99$ ONLY
Avaliable for: OS6 Non-Touch, OS5 Non-Touch
Purchase via BBE Store