Hello members and readers, in recent news, the Curve 9300 aka Curve 3G has been announced by RIM for release on select carriers. We now know that T-Mobile will be getting it. The main issue that I want to address is, why now? I mean, everyone wanted a Curve 8900 with a 3G radio but how much good will it do for the market and users now? How much of an impact will this have on the consumer side, as well as the business side dealing with profits and all? Sure it’s specs will be better and being that it’s newer, it should operate better than the Bold, but, I just think it’s a little too late. Now is not the time for this. Curve 8900 fans everywhere will grab the 9300 over the 9700 but what will happen when the 9780 is released soon after? There is a small issue with product release up at RIM and I think they need to clean it up and move forward. Let the 9300 and 9780 be the last of their kind. Let’s take the Torch the Bold and the Curve to greater heights. Maybe I’m just ranting. I don’t know anymore. Let me know what you think. This subject really pulls on my chin hair and I want it to stop. Enjoy your BlackBerry tho, whatever the case may be. Rumor also has it that the Curve 9300 will get a CDMA version(9330) that’s predicted for VZW. This supports all notions of the Curve being a known staple in the BB community. 3G Curves are the future. How about a touch screen?” hmmmm
For more info regarding the new 9300, visit www.blackberry.com/curve3G