As I look out my window, all I see are the last lingering remnants of dirty snowbanks. Bah! I want to see buds and green leaves and hear birds chirping and see some crocuses poking up from the hard ground. Okay, so it’s not happening here in the Northeast for me, but I have that Spring scene on my BlackBerry anyway- thanks to BB Freaks new theme called Spring Story (in 3D animation besides!) Just look at the cute Spring home screen!
As you can tell from my cute home screen, Spring Story is all about whimsical and light-heartedness. The wallpaper depicts a giant beanstalk that holds the clock, and cute overgrown mushrooms that conceal the wireless signal meter, battery meter and manage connections shortcut. The animation part is the pink and blue hot air balloon which floats continually up and up out of your screen and starts over again! Adorable!
The icons are custom made for this theme and are done in a golden color. On the home screen they are placed on a tree trunk graphic. And a cute arrow serves as the focus icon. When you receive a BBM, SMS or email, a pink heart is the notification icon. All very cute and delicate.
Even though the menus and highlight is of the brown/golden family, it is very distinguishable and not difficult to discern for someone visually challenged, like me! The wallpaper of Spring Story is NOT customizable, but who would want to damper the lovely Spring day anyway? Enjoy watching that little balloon floating gracefully up your screen! This theme leads to daydreaming: Watch out at work! I found myself staring at my screen.
Spring Story 3D Animated by BB Freaks is forBold 9700, 9650 on OS5 and 9700, 9650 and 9780 on OS6.
Pick this theme up at Mobihand for just $3.99