RIM’s Top Digital Marketer Moves Over To Samsung Mobile

Research In Motion is losing another marketer, Brian Wallace, a day after reporting dismal earnings and impending layoffs. Mr. Wallace oversaw all things digital at RIM as Vice President-digital marketing and media. His move to Samsung Mobile will also place him in a similar position as he’ll be Vice President-strategic marketing for the U.S., according to people familiar with the matter. The new role will also encompass offline media, creative and branding.

The move not only defies Mr. Wallace’s bold decision to leave the company he has worked for nearly 11 years but it also means handling marketing for a bigger manufacturer with, frankly, more momentum. Let’s hope that our innovation driven, BlackBerry manufacturer, Research In Motion company holds up its stakes and pulls through to prove it has been, it is, and will continue being one of the leading mobile competitors in the country.


For more information over Brian Wallace and other RIM departures go to AdAge