Would you like your BB to look clean, neat and professional? Make it precise and functional? Show your wall paper off? Then you need to get Prim, a brand new theme from Xan of IHeartMyBB. This one is more gender neutral, so even the guys will like it. Custom battery and signal meters, hidden dock, OCD, options panel, and something that all wall paper lovers will appreciate, a tint feature! I encourage you to read on and find out more about this latest creation from Xan and “prim” your BB. Oh yeah, and I have 10 copies to give away! You’ll have to read more to find out…

Just from looking at the home screen, you can tell right off what a great look this theme has. It really is ‘prim and proper.’ Everything is strategically placed on the home screen for efficiency and optimal wall paper viewing. I’m truly impressed with the quality and design of Xan’s themes. A nice sized clock on the top right which is great for my ahem, impaired vision, and the date is right below that. The date is a hotspot for your calendar, and clock well, for your clock. Bottom right you will see 2 over sized numbers which are you custom battery and signal meters respectively. They look great yet don’t feel like they are cluttering up your home screen. The signal meter is a hotspot for manage connections. I’m really liking that themer’s take the time to make custom features, which makes it worth spending the money on the theme. Xan has perfected this skill and all her custom work is beautiful. You have a semi transparent banner across the top that is a hotspot for profiles. A hideable OCD slot which is also a hotspot for that app, and notifications area on the bottom which doubles as a hotspot for your messages! That little square widget on the top left is a shortcut to options, and it too can be hidden. Whew. All this from the home screen and we haven’t even gotten to the dock yet! It’s pretty cool hunh?

In keeping with the clean and neat look of Prim, the dock is also simple yet functional. 4 text icon dock which are not user changeable, but do include the most popular apps used. What’s cool is that instead of media, Xan included Pics so you can get to your wall papers quickly..makes changing wall papers a snap. And of course for me, this is a bonus! Use 0 to show the dock and space to hide. In this screen shot I’ve also chosen to hide the option widget on the top left. This is done by x to hide, z to show. Looks great so far doesn’t it? Very ‘prim’ I think.

The application screen has a black background which allows for clear viewing of your icons. The focus is a glassy square that is the same as you will see on your home screen focus as well. The menus have a gray highlight on black background, and the app menus have a nice dark blue. I’m partial to blues and purples though, so I love it.

The special screen tint feature comes in handy with certain wall papers. With this one above, I have the tint feature set to on, which darkens the background by 35%. With some wall papers, the custom clocks, banners and signal meters don’t show up very clearly. By using the tint feature, you can eliminate that most of time. A very effective and functional option to have. Now you don’t have to worry about which wall paper to use..most of them will work well! Use ? to darken and ! to lighten it back up. I’ve also chosen to hide the OCD slot in this screen. Use +/-.

Prim is exactly that. Neat, clean and precise with loads of hotspots and options. It’s a ‘prim and proper’ theme to use if you want functionality, performance and a pleasure to look at. Truly a great design, and it run very well on my BB. Any background will look stunning, and being that it’s gender neutral, well the guys can make it rock as well. Right now it is available for Bold 9650, 9700, 9780, and Torch 9800 OS6 and OS5. Xan is working to add more devices as well.
So you want to know how to win a copy? Please comment here on which feature you like the best, and 3 NEW quality posts in the forums, please. Good Luck! If you don’t win, don’t worry because as usual as generous as Xan is, Prim is priced just proper too, get it at here on sale for only $1.49. You do want your BB to look clean and professional, to function well with options galore, to be wall paper friendly, to look just amazing, don’t you? Then get Prim. You’ll be glad you did.