The Tribune has reported that a 25-year-old law graduate from the University of Wales, Onyekwere Michael Onyemaechi has been arraigned before the Ikeja Magistrate’s Court for using his BlackBerry to illegally take pictures of police officers on the job. Two-count charges were brought against the young man. Bordered on assault and breach of peace by indiscriminately taking pictures at a public place. Hopefully this case will serve as general deterrence and the public will be a little more cautious when it comes to their BlackBerry.
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A 25-year-old law graduate from the University of Wales, Onyekwere Michael Onyemaechi has been arraigned before the Ikeja Magistrate’s Court for using his blackberry phone to take pictures of some police officers at their duty post.
When he was arraigned before Magistrate Botoku, who held brief for Magistrate A.O Komolafe, Michael, who just came into Nigeria nine days ago after seven years of studying abroad to commence Law School in Abuja, pleaded not guilty to the two-count charge brought against him by the police prosecutor.
The two-count charge brought against him bordered on assault and breach of peace by indiscriminately taking pictures at a public place.
The charge sheet read: “That you Onyekwere Michael Onyemaechi “m” on the 4/11/2010 at about 1800hrs at Acme Road junction, Ogba, Lagos, in the Ikeja Magisterial District did conduct yourself in a manner likely to cause breach of peace at Acme Road junction, being a public place, by using your blackberry mobile phone to take photographs of people indiscriminately, including that of two police officers namely Inspector Jerry Abuo and Cpl. Etim Itoro, for a ill motive and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 249(D) of the Criminal Code, Cap.17, Vol. 11 Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2003.”
via: Tribune