Off to the races with the native third party Instagram clients for BlackBerry 10, it seemed like iGrann was going to be the first fully working client but now there is ????gram which is expected to be released by the end of this week(“first version for certification:).
Instagram said they want to be on every smartphone device, coming to Windows Phone with no word on whether or not their client will be coming to BlackBerry 10. However just like the iGrann developer, the ????gram developer seem to be working extremely hard to reverse engineer this application as soon as possible.
“We plan to publish the first version for certification by the end of the week with basic functionality (registration, picture upload, public feed browsing) and complete the app (with video upload too) in next few days after that.”
Hopefully we have a fully working client for BlackBerry 10 very soon!
Source: CrackBerry