Yes, you read that right. It’s a Christmas theme, and no, it’s not too early for it. With all the doom and gloom surrounding the BB world, it’s a great time to add some holiday cheer. And what better way to feel good than to have a colorful, cheerful, Christmas theme gracing your phone? This one has hidden dock, OCD slot, custom meters and fantastic Christmas graphics throughout. Meri Kuri is Merry Christmas in Japanese, but whatever language it’s in, the meaning is the same – read on to see more of the holiday spirit!

I told you right? Makes you want to get in the spirit early! The gifts surrounding the tree is the signal meter. The better the signal, the more gifts you get! Santa on the right has the battery meter popping out of his gift. Cute!! There is an OCD slot also, but does not hide. No problem though, since most use it for their weather. The clock is on the bottom to the left of Santa, and the date up top. Everything is laid out nicely.

My favorite part of the theme? Scroll to the closed gift on the bottom middle of the screen, click to open the gift, and your present? An 8 icon dock in the center of the screen with a cute little Santa as the focus. How can you not get into the spirit with this? Simply close the gift and the dock goes right back in the “box.” Rizki of Simple Design has really come up with a creative theme and the design is great. Still have plenty of room to show off all your holiday wallpaper.

Yes, it really is Christmas! The app screen has a red background with snow flakes falling and santa focusing on the icon. The menu screen has more holiday colors. As do the call and lock screens. Everything about this theme screams Christmas. It’s the one for you if this is your favorite season.

Meri Kuri is a great little theme. Simple in function, yet complex in design and graphics. Rizki’s themes are all creative, and this one is no exception. It runs great with no lag on my Bold, and the nav is smooth. It’s never to early to start celebrating! So go to the BBE Store and gift yourself this for Christmas! For $2.99 you can have the Christmas spirit on your phone. Available for most devices on OS6. Meri Kuri to all, and to all a great theme!