Lady Gaga Phones Senators from BlackBerry Tour

To some, Lady Gaga has become the ultimate role model. From kids, teens, to adults, I’ve seen fans of all types. For myself, my vision of her is just another teen pop sensation star, sort of. I see her as a part of some new wave of Punk subculture. From her griddy outfits, to her radical lyrics, I always told myself, this girl is Punk Rock trapped in a new modern age of Pop. Well after watching this short infomercial, she has climbed the punk scale once again, and the best part is, she used a BlackBerry to do it.

To her and others, it is time to change certain policy, and NOW ! Check out this infomercial where she speaks to and about the Senate regarding the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy! She is actually doing the social work necessary to bring this issue to the masses. Something that more Americans must do.

The fight >>>The military’s ban on openly gay service members to be unconstitutional.

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It is sad she called her Senators and no one picked up. The good thing, is she is not stopping until they answer her. She has her trusty BlackBerry Tour to help her make these phonecalls. Have you called your Senator?

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