The Detroit News unveiled their mobile application for earlier this week for the iPhone and other smart mobile devices to give News users the latest news, sports, business and entertainment coverage. The new applications uses global positioning tehcnology to provide localized weather and traffic updates based on the user’s location anywhere in the world. The new Detroit News app also will be available for the BlackBerry and Android phones. For now, BB users head to their mobile site, it almost looks like the app. I’m guessing the app shouldn’t take much longer.
“We’re aiming to make The News available on any and all of the platforms used by our readers,” said Jonathan Wolman, publisher of The News and its website, “This is a natural expansion into the universe of BlackBerrys, iPhone and Droids.”
“This association continues to keep Ford and its Detroit area dealers associated with leading technologies that consumers expect today,” added Rick Bartus, director of advertising for the dealers’ advertising agency.
To download the new free app, iPhone and Android users can go directly to the Apple App Store and Android Market websites. BlackBerry users must access this Web address on their device: until icons are posted at the BlackBerry App World. Those icons are expected to appear in the next week.
via: DETNews