Inst10, the latest, third party and native Instagram client for BlackBerry 10 devices has received a big update, adding a list of a improvements including bug fixes and visual changes. Nemory has also detailed reasons why his newly developed Instagram client for BlackBerry 10 users has its advantages over Adrian Sacchi’s “iGrann” and even the native, in-house developed Instagram client available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone users.
- Unlimited Multi Accounts Support
- Ability to Delete All Notifications in Hub
- Ability to Mark All as Unread Notifications in Hub
- Fixed Multiple Hub Icon Issue
- Fixed Account Info Needed Issue
- Own Account Name shows in Hub instead of Nemory Studios
- Fixed Searching with a Space after the Keyword Returns 0 Results
- Added Change Logs in About Page
- Instantly Changes Application Theme when Set for 10.3 OS Users (No Restart Required)
- New Splash Screens
- Improved Uploading Indicator
Read the full list of reasons why Nemory thinks his client is better than the rest – including the in-house client built by Instagram themselves. The update is live and should begin circulating on devices very soon. Which Instagram client do you use and why? Let us know in the comments below!