HootSuite BlackBerry Now Free with Linkedin, Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter

I missed this announcement yesterday but here goes.

HootSuite for BlackBerry has upgraded its BlackBerry app and a long list of additions has been added to the app

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Here’s whats new:

  • LinkedIn: Add your account (on OS5 and OS6) or import from HootSuite web and view news updates and profiles
  • Foursquare: Comments on check-ins from your friends
  • Facebook: Add Pages directly from your handset, plus view events and search
  • Twitter:
    • Favoriting: Add faves from the stream or by individual messages
    • Friends: Choose recently-replied-to contacts in Compose screen plus see friendship status
    • Posting: Reply-all for Tweets + see network icons overlaid on avatars
    • Lists: Create and manage Twitter lists including following and viewing











  • Plus: performance updates, bug fixes including improvements to account import, increased network connection reliability, and changes message stream gap handling




Via: blog.hootsuite.com