The anticipated press conference was held today and the MC was none other than Steve Jobs. Apple says it will give free protective cases to buyers of its latest iPhone model to alleviate the so-called “death grip” problem: holding the phone with a bare hand can muffle the wireless signal. Seriously? a bumper for all the people who suffered through this crisis? Beleive me, I know the feeling of constant dropped calls. It gets very annoying. Jobs apologized to iphone buyers who had a bad experience with the new device. He also offered something else for those who think a free phone case is not enough,a refund. The refund applies even for those who have long-term contracts with AT&T Inc., the iPhone’s exclusive U.S. wireless carrier
A good suggestion would be to take that refund and get yourself a slick BlackBerry smartphone.The BlackBerry App World doesn’t offer as much Apps as Apple’s App Store, but be sure to know that you will not have to deal with any reception issues.