Eye Kandy is a sweet theme for your BlackBerry phone by Tattooz. Eye Kandy comes in several flavors, er…colors: Blue, Red, Green, and Purple, and offers a bit of everything for the BlackBerry user. From a series of text buttons, hidden icon dock, weather text slot, and color-coordinated battery meter and highlights, Eye Kandy is deliciously functional.
Let’s start with the text buttons at the bottom of the home screen. They are not customizable, but cover a gamut of useful activities. Buttons exist for the Browser, Password Keeper, Options, your Hidden Today agenda and, in the center, Apps. Your Hidden Today agenda lists 2 messages and 4 Calendar entries. ESC hides it again. What I consider the best part of this static menu is the Apps button in the center. Clicking it reveals 12 app icons that you may hide again so as to enjoy fully any wallpaper you would like to use.
Click here for more of JayDee’s review!
Take a look at the top banner. There is a color matched battery meter for each theme. Also, under the notification area, you will see the weather text box containing the temperature and conditions. This will only work if you are using BerryWeather and if you place the app icon in slot number one. Click the weather conditions and BerryWeather opens up for you. The menus in the theme are easily readable and consist of solid opaque black with a gradient highlight in the color of the theme you have chosen. Something else I like is that the font for the menus is the user selected system font and not a custom. Sometimes those menus are too darn small for me to read!
The font in the menu above is user selected, of course. A number of other BlackBerry shortcuts apply for the them: SMS/MMS launch with $, QuickLaunch (space bar), Messages (m), Memo (d), Calculator (c), Calendar (l), Lock (k), BBM (n), Tasks (t). Couple these shortcuts with the 5 static buttons and the 12 icon hideable dock and you have everything you need from your home screen! Eye Kandy is not only a sparkling gumdrop in the candy dish; its an everyday workhorse for the BlackBerry user who wants to be quick and efficient. And it looks great with other wallpapers.
Dress it up or leave it with the professional default wallpaper, Eye Kandy is a theme everyone can mold into exactly what you need. It passes the girly test. (See screen shot above). Purchase your copy of Eye Kandy; available in Green, Blue, Purple (oooohh-la-la JayDee loves Purple) and Red, seen pictured here. Head on over to the BBE store and grab your copy of Eye Kandy for only $.99!
For OS6
For OS5
Remember to use the BlackBerry Empire coupon code …BBEmpireOpen… which is good for a 20% discount on all software! Till April15th. Hurry! Buy Eye Kandy today!