eWeek Does a Poor Job in Discoursing PlayBook Over the Competition

With the official launch date for the PlayBook right around the corner, the PlayBook tablet has received its fair share of scrutiny both good and bad. Recently, eWeek published an article titled, “RIM BlackBerry PlayBook Debut Looms: 10 Reasons to Pass it Up” where they state “10” reasons why we should pass up the PlayBook for the competition.


Thanks to the Nerdberry boys, we have a counter debate against eWeek’s 10 claims. Unlike eWeek, the staff at NB has taken the time and done their homework. In their article, they dissect each half-assed claim by eWeek and do a pretty solid job too. Read Nerdberry debates against eWeek.com here

May I add guys, when eWeek asked What’s the key killer feature in the PlayBook , one item went unnoticed.

The iPad or other tablets out cannot bridge to a mobile device. With the PlayBook tablet, users have the ability to bridge their BlackBerry smartphone to their PlayBook tablet via Bluetooth.  Users can access the essentials like messages, calendar and even the unmatched BlackBerry messenger. Users no longer have to go back and forth from their personal computer to mobile device to conduct business. Work time has been cut, not to mention amplified. This alone, can be a killer key feature for any multi tasker.

So to hell with eWeek, Are you ready for your PlayBook?

via eWeek.com