Although Blink by Pootermobile was released a while ago, I just now found it and wow! I am loving it. Blink is a snappy, no frills theme that allows for full wallpaper views and access to your icon dock; which is very important to me. A weather slot and transitions make this theme an absolute winner for me.

The home screen of Blink allows for full views of your wallpaper. The weather slot in the upper left-hand corner and the notification bar at the bottom are the only things you see. Notice that if you put your weather app icon in the OCD slot, you see the read-out on the bottom bar. The digital clock is readable and out front, but doesn’t get in the way of your view.

To show the dock, click the space bar. To dismiss it, click ESC. The dock “blinks” in with a great animated transition. In fact, the transitions continue with the app screen. Click the square on the bottom bar and the app screens moves in. Fast. Much like a blink. Here’s a secret: I LOVE transitions!

Pootermobile has a mascot to help you with theme directions. But honestly, the theme is so simple to use and so perfectly universal, that you won’t need any help. The blinking transitions are smooth, fast and did I mention I love transitions? The theme has orange highlights throughout and I find that refreshing, as it makes everything so easy to read with black backgrounds. Oh and the hourglass? Remember PacMan? Love it!!!

The theme is available for all BlackBerry phones and you can grab a copy here at the BBE Mobihand store. Yes! We have a store!! For $3.99, you are going to look a quick glance at your home screen every so often…hey! Don’t blink! BUY Blink!