A lot of scrutiny has attributed to huge volatility in shares of BlackBerry, which have caused stock holders and die hard hopefuls to sometimes go as far as to doubt the company and their performance. A report published today by Chitika, an advertising firm based out of Massachusetts, showed how BlackBerry is making all the right moves in the smartphone market. After launching in the US, a lot of questions arose from several bears and shorts on Wall Street that concerned themselves with the successes and failures of the new BlackBerry 10 platform.
Well this study should put most concerns to rest. Chitika has data to support the fact that usage shares of BlackBerry have increased by almost double in two weeks since the US launch.
From Chitika:
To get a view into the operating system’s initial progress, Chitika Insights conducted a study examining the BlackBerry Z10’s impact on North American BlackBerry Web usage in the days since its release…To quantify this study, Chitika Insights examined a sample of tens of millions of U.S. and Canadian mobile ad impressions from the Chitika Ad Network observed in the 65 days following the respective launches of the BlackBerry Z10 and Apple iPhone 5.
As seen in the graph above, BlackBerry 10’s share of BlackBerry traffic has grown to 5.3% as of April 11th, 2013. This represents an approximate doubling in usage share since the Z10’s U.S. release 20 days prior. The launch of the smartphone on Verizon (Day 51) also coincided with the Z10’s largest sustained jump in usage share. As a comparison, North American iPhone 5 users generated 5.5% of all North American iPhone traffic 15 days after its release.
This is great news for share holders and BlackBerry loyalists alike. In my opinion, the Z10 and Q10 will do wonders for BlackBerry and in a few months everyone will be holding a BlackBerry (optimistic, I know).
Shares of BlackBerry (BBRY) have closed at $13.91, (-$0.01, -0.07%).
To read the full report, click here.