A new commercial advertising the new BlackBerry Torch 9800 that was released on AT&T last month has been released. We usually see AT&T throw out a slew of commercials at a time, but this time they are doing something a little different. They have decided to wait and provide a short ad, with an actual story line and plot. In their last commercial, “rollercoaster”, it shows the the fast paced life, and busy schedule that most business users go through. In their hands is a Torch, and while in route to take care of “business”, they have some fun along the way using the new user friendly features RIM has added to BlackBerry 6.
The new “Moby Dick” commercial is a one minute ad mainly focusing on the user friendly features that have been added to the Torch. To tell us the story, they use specs and features of the BlackBerry Torch 9800, AT&T tells the story of the modern Moby Dick, and how he can be located, and his life in the modern age.
The “Moby Dick” commercial unveils several new features of the Torch 9800 that are appealing to the consumer crowd. The full QWERTY keyboard, the refreshed media, music and video player, the GPS support, the camera with flash, the social networking integration, the app support, instant messaging capabilities, voice search, the calendar and the browsing capabilities. Enough of me, hit the more button to watch the new commercial >>>
Hit the More button for the commercial >>>
Click here to watch in Mobile
via: ShareATT
What do you think? With the Torch coming to the big three in Canada at the end of the month (Rogers,Bell,Telus), can we expect a lot more Torches on the streets? Also, Colorware Has recently announced their support for the Torch, so be on the lookout for Torch products from them.