Hello world, I wanted to share a nice tip with you that I discovered earlier this week. Many of you may already know of this feature, but I have to share it anyway. Most of you are probably familiar with the clock app and may use it as an alarm clock. I wanted to simply point out that the calendar app functions as an alarm clock as well.
I have thought to myself numerous times, I wish I could set multiple alarms. The truth is, you can. But, you have to use the calendar app. Just pull up the menu, as the image shows, and choose new alarm. You can set as many as you’d like and have them recur just as much as an appointment or a payment reminder. Simple right? Yes and very useful. If you knew about this, stop reading now. If you didn’t, there’s more to our Berrys than we care to find out but, that’s what the BBE team is here for. We will help you and provide you with simple tips so that you may stay productive. Anything you want to share? Leave a comment!