BlackBerry has fired US Managing Director, Richard Piasentin, according to WSJ this layoff happened last month but is just one of the layoffs BlackBerry has just confirmed. BlackBerry is planning more layoffs soon on top of the 5,000 that was reported during the last fiscal year.
With currently 11,000 employees and more job cuts on the way, it is not yet known how many more jobs will be lost in BlackBerry’s quest to “save money” and rebuild, however, those cuts that will be made will be mostly “middle management” employees. As John reported yesterday, Research in Motion is now officially known as BlackBerry Limited:
With over 99% of the votes in favor of the name change the company is now offically known as BlackBerry Limited and I for one am happy to see this.
Be checking back with us as we will be keeping you up to date as to what is going on in the BlackBerry world, would hate to see more layoffs but the company has to do what it has to do to continue its rebuilding process.