RIM and the BlackBerry Partners Fund have announced the final round of Recognition Award winners at BlackBerry DevCon Europe.
Congratulations to these Recognition Award recipients! They receive a package with prizes consisting of tickets to the now sold-out BlackBerry DevCon Europe, a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, BlackBerry smartphones and more.
Check out list of winners below:
- Best B2C app developed for a customer by an agency or ISV – Yemeksepeti by tmob
- Most useful enterprise application – MDC Mobile Data Collection by Gulliver
- Best website conversion using the BlackBerry WebWorks platform – Salzburger Nachrichten Mobil by Salzburger Nachrichten
- Most creative implementation of Super App characteristics – InStyle.de by ISEC7
- Top performers – Most innovative use of Payment Service and/or Advertising Service –Bellshare
- Academic – Most compelling app created by a student or faculty member – Polar Slide by Dustyroom
For more information on the BlackBerry developer challenge and to read the press release visit:. via DevBlog