At just about every BlackBerry conference the folks at RIM like to start things off by giving us some insight on some quick facts which serve as a measure where the company stands. At DevCon in Amsterdam, VP of developer relations, Alec Saunders, stated that the BlackBerry App World has evolved into the second-most-profitable mobile platform. According to Saunders, 13 percent of all app publishers on BlackBerry App World have made $100,000 or more coming from 60,000 apps that can be found in App World.
According to RIM, App World sees 6 million downloads per day, totaling 2 billion total downloads as of last month. So for those big name companies who are thinking of pulling the plug on BlackBerry support, might want to rethink their plan because BlackBerry is proving to be a worthy platform to develop for.
via Appleinsider