Adler, a new theme by MiddBrew is simply classic, and it’s FREE

I am so thrilled to be able to tell you about a new theme just released by our very own BBE member, MiddBrew!  The theme is Adler, and it’s FREE!   I know for a fact that MiddBrew spent quite some time into this to make it absolutely perfect and made sure that is was a theme that everyone would enjoy.   It looks amazing on your screen, and works like a charm.  MiddBrew’s theme’s are all about keeping it clean and simple, and this one you will want on your phone.  It will quickly become a classic that you will go back to time and time again.

Default home screen for Adler

Adler has 3 transparent banners on the top; one that holds your clock, one that holds your date and signal meters, and the last one holds your notifications.  The bottom banner has a permanent 6 text icon dock.  MiddBrew is really in tune what users prefer, and as a result, the icons on the dock are for some of the most used apps.  But if you need more, there is a 4 icon hidden dock that you can place more of your favorite applications and have everything accessible to you right from the home screen.  Use the key f to show, g to hide.  Also featured is an OCD slot on the bottom left just above the icon dock.  This can be hidden if you prefer to show off more of your background.  Use the key z to show and x to hide.  However the theme is so clean, that even with it showing, your screen will look stunning!  Hot spots are time for clock, signal meter for manage connections, and the battery meter on the bottom dock for options.   Notice how even with all elements showing, you can still see your background beautifully.  I love the transparency in this theme!

Home screen with user selcted wallpaper and all elements showing


The application screen is a neutral color and the red highlight focus really makes the icons pop when selected.   I love this color red that is used and can been seen throughout the theme as the icon focus and menu bar highlights.  MiddBrew has used the 6.1 icons and I’m all about cool looking icons…I much prefer these to the older ones.

Application screen with 6.1 icons


Home screen with user selected wallpaper and weather showing


Adler is a simple and clean theme and sometimes, that is all you need.  No complicated instructions to remember, everything easily accessible to you, and smooth performance.  It looks stylish and classy.  What more do you need?  MiddBrew has made this available for both OS5 and OS6 for the 9650,  9700, and 9630 devices.  And the best part is that he is sharing his love of creating themes with your for free!   If you like his themes, please consider is truly worth it!   You can grab Adler here: For OS6 OTA and for OS5 OTA.


Home screen with user selected wallpaper and all elements hidden