Picto is a new OS6 theme by Yuki that really is a lovely looking theme. Yuki has made many themes for OS5 and even has a theme club at her blog site here. But this is one of the first she has made for OS6 and wow, was it worth waiting for! I am thrilled to have purchased it.
Click here for more information and screen shots!
OK what do you notice first? Why that large banner at first that looks like a sign swinging in the balmy breeze! It’s something that might scare wallpaper mavens away but no! Not to fear! The banner allows you to place your weather icon or other important icon there and is transparent enough that you can see your wallpaper through it.
Date, time, signal strength and OCD slot are all found in that banner. But something more. A very cute touch is the name associated with your berry that you have on your owner’s information. I like that personal touch. The 6 icon dock shows with z and hides with ESC. The icons are full size and are “framed” as a picture…hence Picto; like the banner.
The app screen is gloss black which makes your icons easy to see. The highlight focus is teal with a small dot and that is also easy to see. I like full size icons on the home screen sometimes because I have aging eyes. When they are included on the app screen, sometimes it can seem cluttered. But not in Picto. The focus icon makes it easy to see where you are.
On the home screen, you will see the notification bar at the top of the screen. Also, the battery and signal meters are single numbers in bubbles. Simple, classy. See how well the theme looks with almost any wallpaper?
If you want to purchase Yuki’s Picto theme, you must go here to get it. For only $2.00, it is well worth the price; being more than half that of some premiums. It is a beautiful theme and it looks great with any wallpaper. The operation is smooth and slick. Picto is worth a thousand words on your BlackBerry home screen.