YOU & ME is a theme for all BlackBerry phones by Walker Themes that you will absolutely fall in love with! I have! Congrats to Ring Walker , who has created another unusual, out-of-the-ordinary theme that shows off your Blackberry like no one else can! (You remember PB Inside and De-Lexion?) YOU & ME, what I’m currently using on my Bold is amazing and the best part is that I can personalize it the way I want.
As you can see; this is a theme for showing off your love. And JayDee loves her BabyBold (9650) so I placed my pictures in the proper directory and there they are! All you have to do is rename the photos you want to use as YOU.jpg and ME.jpg and put them on your SD card under the Blackberry/pictures folder. Reboot and there you are! Imagine the fun you can have with this: babies, children, pets, boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife…or whomever or whatever you LOVE.
More, More, More!!!!
Oh, did you notice the comment under the pictures? All you have to do to see your name and your beloved’s name is to adjust whatever is under your owner name. Then replace the additional text with some other lovely sentiment and there you have it…it will be displayed on the home screen. So if you want one more line of text, you may have it say anything you wish. Just replace the owner info with your comments. What a neat thing to do before you take a screen shot to send to your love.
The home screen shows off a hideable weather slot (use Alt P to hide) and a hideable dock. But honestly, with the cute custom icons, who wants to hide the dock? And did I mention the colors? Everything is customized in YOU & ME. The menus are a robin’s egg blue with a pink highlight and sea foam green for dialogue boxes and bbm.
The home screen is so sweet that you won’t want to go anywhere else on your phone. But for those occasional needs of other apps, the app screen and focus icon are adorable.It is a scribble heart. In the picture below, the focus icon is on Meterberry’s thermometer.
This theme truly personalizes your BlackBerry. Not a cookie-cutter theme, YOU & ME is a very different and exciting theme to have on your berry. It is available for all BlackBerry phones running OS5 and OS6. Look at how great the home screen looks with your own wallpaper, oh yes! You can change it, too!
I think anyone who wants a change should try this theme. You don’t have to labor to get a picture on the home screen and it looks oh, so cool!!! Purchase this theme by Walker Themes at Mobihand for $5.99. Don’t forget to use our BBEmpireOpen coupon for 20% off the price!!! Treat yourself!
Special thank you to Ring Walker.