Wireless Enterprise Activation App Just Released!


BlackBerry has released a free download that allows wireless activation for personal devices on BlackBerry® Internet Service plans to connect to BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Express and MDaemon® Messaging Server, BlackBerry® Edition.

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/BlackBerry4Biz/status/57886244914479104″]

In a few simple steps, users can activate their personal BlackBerry® smartphones over their employer’s wireless network, giving the IT administrator a simple way to support employee-owned smartphones. And since smartphones can be activated without having to connect them to a computer, it’s easier than ever for personal use devices to be securely connected to corporate mail, calendar, contacts and more.

This is showing the strength of RIM in marketing to the right corporate market, making BlackBerry even more attractive to business consumers.   If you use the app and are connected to a BES, please let us know in the forums how well it works.