Earlier on Twitter, TexTango let us know that they are in the middle of another nice contest. This time instead of wheels, they are offering free Starbucks, and the grand prize, cold hard cash $$. Using their SMS App for BlackBerry, you will automatically be entered to win. All you have to do is text your friends, coworkers and family for your chance to come out with some cash or free coffee from Starbucks.
It began in the beginning of October but will run through the 6th of November, so there is still a chance for you heavy texters. The Top 5 TexTango texters will win something, check below for prizes >>>
Grand Prize/Top TexTango Texter: $650!!!!
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $100
4th Place: $75
5th Place: $25
Also offered, the top TEN TexTango texters each week will win $10 Starbucks gift cards! Free coffee each week and a chance to win straight cash. The cause? Supporting some of the most prominent charities. All you need is to download the app, and text away for your chance to win.
See official contest rules for more details Here