Back in late April of this year RIM launched its first tablet, the PlayBook which is powered by the acquired QNX. Now, forward to the end of summer and RIM is set to release their first of seven, next generation BlackBerry smartphone with the Bold 9900/9930 (GSM/CDMA), only without QNX. The next seven BlackBerry devices, whatever the rest may be, will be powered not by QNX but by BlackBerry OS 7, which isn’t just a revamp of the past, but a transition into modernization. Many are baffled as to why the Bold Touch 99xx is not going to be powered by the QNX OS, after already being acquired for almost a year, around April 9th of 2010 or so and having plenty of time after the initial launch of the PlayBook, April 19th, 2011. Like it or not, its what RIM has in store for us which means its decision time for many consumers including myself. A big question many of us may have will be, “Do I grab an OS7 BlackBerry device or wait for a QNX mobile device?”. We know for a fact, RIM announced in its shareholder meeting that we would see QNX SuperPhones in EARLY 2012 but do I want to wait that long? Nope, I’m not waiting for a QNX SuperPhone, i’m grabbing myself a Bold 9900 and here’s why. Check below for more.
My decision to go ahead and grab a BlackBerry OS7 device has nothing to do with hardware and an OS, but everything to do with my carrier. See, if you’re in my boat and are subscribed with T-Mobile, some decisions are going to have to be made. T-Mobile customers are going to be faced with some heat sooner or later. I’ll use myself as a prime example.
My contract with T-Mobile USA is set to expire in October of this year which will leave me with the decision if i should renew or not. Then, I’ll have to look at what’s on T-Mobile’s shelves leaving me with another decision. Which device do I get? I have to be aware that AT&T is set to buy out T-Mobile in around March of 2011 so If I want to be grandfathered when that happens, I have to renew before that acquisition takes place. I love my T-Mobile service. I still have unlimited data, an affordable plan, UMA, great customer service and all that good stuff that T-Mobile offers. That is why I’m not waiting for a QNX powered BlackBerry smartphone. What will I do when QNX drops shortly there after? Well until then, I’ll be filling up my piggy bank. When QNX devices are finally launched, you can find me on eBay dishing out a lot more than I would with an extended contract. The cost to my decision is something i’m willing to live with.
What will you do? Will you grab a BlackBerry OS7 device? Will you wait for QNX? Or worst case scenario, move on from the BlackBerry platform? Let us know below.