If you have been using the very popular app call Whine (it’s a Vine client) for your BlackBerry 10 device then you may want to head on over to BlackBerry World because there is an update available now. This latest update brings the app to version and we have the change log below for all of you to check out.
Here’s the change log:
- Forgot your password added in splashscreen.
- Colored highlighted icons added in main tabs.
- Fixed a bug that opened an empty BBM contact page when clicking on links.
I never used Vine before the release of Whine and now that I have I really enjoy watching the different videos that are available, so seeing these updates is a great thing. If you are ready to update just head on over to BlackBerry World now. For any of you that don’t have Whine installed yet, what are you waiting on? The app is free to download, although the developer does accept donations (open the Whine app, swipe down from the top, and just tap on donate) for all his hard work in bringing this app to the BlackBerry 10 platform.