You may have heard this morning about RIM’s recent acquisition of TAT (The Astonishing Tribe). I was reading through the latest updates during my commute when I read about it. Everyone is reading about it. The TAT website is currently down. What is TAT?
For those who don’t know, TAT is renowned for their innovative mobile user interface (UI) designs and has a long history of working with mobile and embedded technology. TAT focuses on delivering great user experiences, from a design, technology, and usability perspective. Their design technology is used today in a variety of industries including the consumer electronics and automotive sectors. Examples of TAT’s UI designs and concepts can be viewed on their web site at
Do you know who else does “automotive sectors”? QNX. There’s been a lot of hoopla around the web this morning about this acquisition. Engadget’s title I think speaks volumes, however: RIM buys TAT, BlackBerry UI in danger of becoming awesome.
Source: Inside BlackBerry