We’re Here! BlackBerry Empire Arrives in Orlando for BlackBerry Live

liveBlackBerry Empire has officially landed in Orlando and we’re onsite at the Orlando World Center Marriott. Once you enter the Marriott be sure to first check into your hotel lodging. Once you are given your room keys you can either drop off your luggage or proceed to check into the event itself. Live registration takes place at the Grand and Crystal Registration Desk. 


Once you are all signed into BlackBerry Live head to the opposite side of the Grand and Crystal desk to pick up your free BlackBerry Z10 conference tool courtesy of BrightStar, a premier sponsor. Make sure to lineup with your matching carrier country, for instance, if you are in North America you will want to pick up your device there. Let the representative know which carrier service you are tied to so that you are ensured a functional device. I’m with T-Mobile USA so I asked for an unlocked Z10 compatible with T-Mobile.

This is just the beginning so its time to get settled and explore the convention center. Stay tuned for more. Be sure to follow us for exclusive BlackBerryLive coverage.