Alec Saunders is a name you should be familiar if you’ve been following BlackBerry in the past 2 years. Alec Saunders, former head of Developer Relations at BlackBerry and now VP of QNX Cloud has announced that he will be leaving the company soon.
Alec Saunders was a prominent figure in BlackBerry just last year when Thorsten Heins was the CEO back then. He was responsible for BlackBerry World and the apps we have now on our BlackBerry 10 devices. Impressively, he’s achieved quite a feat which shouldn’t go unnoticed.
He managed to grow BlackBerry World from 16,000 apps to 265,000 in just over 2 and 1/2 years which is a 1650% improvement as he noted. He achieved that by growing the developer base from 7000 to over 70,000, orchestrated programs in 44 countries and seeding out 40,000 Dev Alpha devices in just 18 months.
After working on developer relations, he moved onto QNX for about a year. He managed to launch Project Ion, which saw interest from 0 to 1000 companies taking interest in the project.
It’s sad to see a great figure at BlackBerry leave, but business is business and people move on. Alec hasn’t said where he will be working next, but we wish Mr Saunders the best of luck for the future and would like to thank him for the work he’s done to bring us BlackBerry 10 and the apps we have today, including Project Ion.
To show your appreciation, send him a few kind words on his Twitter
Source: SaundersLog