VooDoo is a Magical Theme for Your BlackBerry Phone by Cami

VooDoo is a July Theme Club BlackBerry theme by Cami. Unfortunately, as a theme club theme, it is not available to the public. But I wanted to post some screen shots and say a few words about Cami’s work even so. She has other themes that are available and that have been featured here at BBE.

Default screen of VooDoo by Cami

Click here for more!

Cami’s themes are all very easy to navigate and straight forward. This one is no exception. Innovative and stylish notification bar with other added information there. A weather or OCD slot and a dock that hides with z/0. Might not look like much to the bling seekers out there, but let me tell you, the theme is pure function.

VooDoo with user selected wallpaper dock hidden
VooDoo with user selected wallpaper and dock showing

What I love about this theme is that it has purple highlights in the menus, etc. and focus icons and it is very easy to read compared to other themes. Even though Cami sets the theme fonts, which means the user cannot change the size, they are readable.

VooDoo by Cami with user selected wallpaper

If you would like to run a theme or two by Cami, you may check here for Illustrious for OS 6,  and check here for Method. These themes are for 97xx and 96xx running OS 6. Illustrious is also available for OS 5. Both of these themes are FREE

VooDoo with user selected wallpaper

Cami’s themes are practical and easy to use. There are shortcuts that exist on the home screen as well. What I love is the creative eye Cami has for icon placement on the home screen and the other design elements. Her theme club themes are always a treat, as you never know what the themes will look like or feature. Should you want to investigate joining a theme club, check out her blog at Cami’s Theme Rehab.

VooDoo by Cami for her theme club members

I am showing you these screen shots so you will check out her FREE themes at the links mentioned and also, check out her blog. Consider joining next time the theme club opens up. Quality work by an excellent theme maker.