One of the biggest factors that has driven me to stay with BlackBerry is its amazing battery life. I think It’s fair enough for me to speak on the behalf of many BlackBerry smartphone users out there as well. We love our battery life plain and simple. For some, they pass on having devices with glorious over-sized screens and monstrous app varieties just because their BlackBerry can live longer than the competition. Nearly every cell phone user who uses a device other than a BlackBerry has experienced frustration with their phones lack of juice. When it comes to BlackBerry, its only seldom whenever you hear a BB user complain about their battery life. If your BlackBerry is running out of juice faster than usual, or can’t hold a charge for long, chances are its something so small, a few clicks and adjustments should get your BlackBerry back to its full vitality.
Our Mod markaveli420 has started a forum thread dedicated to battery saving tips, while our graphic designer Sergio112, has taken it one step further, and has provided us with a Video Turorial especially on battery saving tips. His HD video takes us through a knot of some familiar and unfamiliar steps that will show you how to save battery life on Your BlackBerry.
Hit the More button to watch the video >>>
Click here to watch Tutorial in Mobile
For users experiencing problems, following these tips should get your device back to normal again. Make sure and hit up our forum thread on battery saving tips for more. If you know of any other tips, drop a post in the thread, we’d love to know! Hope you enjoyed the vid, until next time. Don’t forget to share on Twitter and Facebook.