Linked In is a very social business tool used by many self-employed, home employed or generally employed people. Corporations use it to bring in new talent while some of us use it as a marketing tool. Mike recently added the “In” button to the page and that gave me the push I needed to join Linked In and publish this article. I’m very connected when it comes to social networks and Linked In is just another site that knows my name & email address. With that being said, I would like use Linked In for much more than another social website.
While there are many other sites that ask for your past employment & educational history, I feel the need to express these attributes a bit more now. I did a year in college, I’m in the Navy and I work for BBE. If I stay on Linked In long enough, I may be able pick up a few opportunities here and there. I’m sure I’d have to apply myself but, the fact is, the possibility is still there for me or anyone else in my position to explore the multitude of options. Engadget & technobuffalo aren’t the only people typing away reviews online. BlackBerry Empire editors are among those people with optimism for tech news and web development. I’m sure this article was long enough. You can download Linked In via App World – the video is all yours – Enjoy your BlackBerry.