UTPA Mobile App Launched for Students

Students attending UTPA in Texas, a new UTPA mobile app is now available for download. Currently you can pick up the app for free for on Android and Apple IOS devices such as the iPhone and iPod Touch. In the photo above you see BlackBerry listed which means BB users that attend The University of Texas Panam will get an app soon.

“This is just the phase one of our launch and we are already working on phase two. We plan to constantly add new features and keep this updated,” Raman said. “(The app is) not iPad-formatted yet but you can still install it on there. We are also working on a Blackberry version and a general mobile-web version, so that people who are not on (Apple, Google or Blackberry) platform, can still go to this mobile-formatted Website and get the same kind of experience and the same kind of information.”

“One of the things we are looking to add is Blackboard functionality,” Raman said. “Hopefully we’ll have Blackboard available through our mobile app as well, so that students can access their course information and submit content, essentially for mobile learning. They can have learning on the go.”

To download the UTPA app, visit www.utpa.edu/mobile. or search for the UTPA app in the Apple store or Android Market. Once available, the BlackBerry app for UTPA can be downloaded through BlackBerry App World,
Source: panamericanonline.com