For months already we have been teased by the BlackBerry 9800 Slider/Torch model. It has popped up on several sites, and left us BlackBerry users more at ease knowing the interface has been brushed up, and a new progressive Operating System has been added. We have seen video rundowns of the device from the hardware to the sofware, and we even know AT&T is going to carry this device. However, we were never prompted with a released date. Well today, VentureBeat has made a statement that caught my attention. According to VentureBeat, John Albright of the BlackBerry Partners Fund informed that the BlackBerry 9800 is scheduled to arrive to AT&T on August 15th while he spoke at the paid Content Mobile Conference.
My guess is that RIM was not kidding when they had this to tweet yesterday – #BB6iscoming. Another interestting note I read is that thousands of developers already have the 9800 in their hands. That means thousands of issues are getting looked at which makes me hope this device really is sharp when it gets released.
If this is true, are you exited? How many many AT&T customers are going upgrade to get this device? And how many of you are going to buy it full price from somewhere and unlock it so you can use it for your carrier? Let us know, we’re interested!