BlackBerryEmpire’s very own, ninjasteeze, has taken the time to test out the new UberTwitter v0.9747. He discovered numerous new features in the new version, and would like to share them with you. It is important that BlackBerry users get acquainted with the new features, so users can have an Uber-good time tweeting and sharing BlackBerry info. Now let’s go see the new features that ninjasteezeprovided us with!
New to UberTwitter we have a few things…
UberChannels allow you to check tweets by specific categories and even SUBcategories!
Continue reading for more features and photos >>
This option may be made for the couple that feuds and doesn’t want to see each others twitter updates about the other, or for the cheater who doesn’t want that person who also calls them baby to be seen by the person they have a relationship with
. Either way, the new UberTwitter allows you to mute people by having them not show up on your timeline without you actually having to unfollow them. You can even set it to take away the mute automatically or let the user know they have been muted. What would be helpful in the next update would be a filter of keywords that way you never know the ending to that season finale before you get to watch it
In addition, a feature that used to be available ONLY through the web version of Twitter– Your tweets Retweeted. This allows you to see who Retweets your tweets when done in the new RT style. Also available, are the lists that others put you in, as well as the ones you create, with all the access you have from the web version of Twitter. +1!
There are new color options for your layout. Now you can even color co-ordinate UberTwitter with your phone theme, case, or even outfit
. Finally, Another new add is the “search list of interest.” You type in the word, a search is performed for lists that may be useful to you
Click here from your mobile browser to get the new version >>> UberTwitter
NOTE* – This is a pre-release version. Please keep in mind that it is still being tested and not all features are there yet. Thanks and don’t forget to Retweet and share on Facebook!