Twitter updated in BlackBerry World for BlackBerry 10 devices – Cool new features added in


Here’s a little something to kick off the month of May, Twitter for BlackBerry 10 has been updated over in BlackBerry World. This latest update brings the app to version and we have the change log below for all of you to check out. This is a very nice update to the app as it has actually allowed me to replace all of my other Twitter clients.

Check out all of these new features:

  • Draft Tweet support so you can save that spur-of-the-moment thought for later if you get distracted.
  • Swipeable Timeline to ‘Activity’ and ‘Discover’ tabs for quicker access to content.
  • Multiple photo enhancements – Photos In Direct Message, toggle pictures on/off in the home timeline, and retake picture option in case that magic moment was less than perfect.
  • Age gating – updating with a tool to verify a fellow user’s age when following accounts that require age gating.
  • This release also features performance improvements to help you access your content faster.

You can grab the the latest version by heading on over to BlackBerry World now. If it’s not showing up yet just hang tight as it makes its way through the BlackBerry World servers. If you are in a rush to get it try logging in to BlackBerry World through your desktop system and see if it’s there.

Download Twitter for BlackBerry 10