Some days ago I posted through SocialScope that Trillian saved my life. In case you were worried or wondering, no my situation wasn’t life threatening. My reaction to the app was just that great. Let’s rationalize and rephrase what I said the other night. Let’s take out life and substitute it for night. Trillian definitely saved my night a few days ago. As I was going back and forth with that special someone on BBM, I noticed the infamous lil checkmark was lingering. Nothing was going through, and all communication was lost. I refreshed SocialScope, and saw that my boo update that her BlackBerry broke. I then replied to her Facebook post and told her to get on Fb chat. I quickly dashed to my downloads folder, moved Trillian to Home, and thats when my night was saved. Within a matter of seconds, I had multiple chat clients added and connected.
I was amazed at how fast I was up and running. Along with fast connectivity, the smooth UI makes the App that much more interesting. After about 10 minutes of usage, my mind was made up that we had to get this chat client reviewed. I’m sure you have heard of Im+, Beejive and even Meebo, but IMO Trillian just out performs them all. After using the app, both Donta and I decided Trillian deserved a good review. It has everything you could ask for in an app. Multiple account support and login screen for accounts, Email push notifications, All password transmissions are encrypted. The Liaison has titled his video ,’Top Notch BlackBerry Social Networking.’ Trillian is not just an app to kill time, it can definitely enhance productivity, and much much more. Hit the More button the check out the video >>>
So there’s Trillian for ya. Not only chat, but organization, synchronization and transmission are 3 other things that Trillian brings to the table. Below are some official specs. The $4.99 is more than worth it.
* AIM/ICQ®, Google™, MySpaceIM, Jabber.
* Clean BlackBerry design with black and white themes.
* Multiple account support and login screen.
* Email push notifications.
* All password transmissions encrypted.
* Reliable under low-bandwidth conditions.
* Strong emphasis on stability and bug fixes.
* Basic group management.* Edit contact display names.
* Optional display of contact avatars.
* View contact information (e.g. AIM profiles).
* View, group, or hide offline contacts.
* Sort contacts by status or name.
* Privacy options – block, invisible, etc.
* Send pictures, buzzes, and URLs.* Typing notifications.
* Copy/paste support.
* Emoticons.
* Global status control with status messages.* Control sounds, vibrations, and LED color.
* Avatar changing from camera or picture library.
* Local display name changing.
* Configurable sign off time (up to 7 days).
* Set away when closing app.
That pretty much sums it here. You can pick it up for only $4.99 at the App world here at this link >>Trillian.
Before I forget, BerryBuzz has Trillian support as well so you can configure LED’s to notify you at your request. Also, Trillian supports ALL devices, so Torch users, You’re in luck! Want to see it to believe it? My buddy has sent me some screen shots directly from his 9800. Before we close things off, I just wanna thank everyone who made this review possible. The Liaison, Pedro from #HackBerry for introducing the app to me, our BBE Readers, and a special shout out to that night in which turned me to Trillian. Hope you enjoyed the review. Don’t forget to share on Twitter and Facebook.