We’ve seen the rave reviews for Angry Farm, so I decided to go looking for the next best thing to happen to BlackBerry games since sliced bread (wait…what?). Anyway, looking for new games to play when you’re bored is always essential so I decided to pick this one up and it just so happened to be from the makers of Angry Farm – Smarter Apps.
How many times were you sitting in your office playing trash can basketball, pretending you were the best thing to ever happen to the sport. I used to put on my Michael Jordan jersey, tape a hoop above the trash can, and go all out! Well now you can bring that feeling to your BlackBerry smartphone and it’s about time! (Jersey optional)
Right in time for the NBA Playoffs, we have a sporty game that brings you four differnt “flick” sports in one package. It’s got great value as you get Trash Can Paper Toss, Beer Pong (single cup), Football Kick, and Basketball Toss (the real thing).
But of course, flicking an object into a hoop or cup isn’t that challenging and would probably get really boring. That’s where the fan comes in. Leave it to Smarter Apps to throw a curve ball by including a fan that blows variable wind speeds with every toss. This makes things a bit more interesting and leaves you struggling to calculate trajectories for each toss. The wind velocity varies all the way from close to 0.00 to close to the high 9.90‘s and when it gets that high, it becomes a challenge that only true skill can accomplish.
I found the Beer Pong toss to be the hardest due to the fact that there’s only one cup, and the ball trajectory was really difficult to peg down. My best score is a pathetic 1 but I know I’ll get better at it over time. It keeps a running tab of your scores based on how many tosses you make in a row; so if you miss one, consider yourself back at zero, so make sure you think before you shoot!
What I really love about this game is the fact that it’s made by Smarter Apps which tells me I know it will be routinely updated and user suggestions on how to improve and add to the game will be warmly welcomed. Another bonus is the fact that it keeps tabs on your best scores and allows you to share them via E-mail, Twitter, or Facebook, or Copy Link which allows you to send it to anyone you please. Unfortunately it only works with the native clients for Facebook and Twitter (or through the mobile websites) but it is a great function and provides a little competition between you and your friends.
I only found one exploit while playing and that was during paper toss. When you toss the paper and miss close to the base of the trashcan, it registers a point. Sometimes this also happens when you rim out of the trash can as well. I tried really hard to see if it happened with the other toss mini games, but it didn’t.
Aside from that, the graphics are solid, I didn’t experience any lag while playing. The touch control is very responsive and the UI is very simple and intuitive. To shuffle between the mini games all you need to do is hit your Escape key and you leave one to enter another.
It’s not too hard, yet not too easy and should keep you entertained for a decent amount of time. Best part is the game is compatible with all devices OS 4.7 and up so you won’t have a problem downloading this no matter what device you have. For $1.99 it’s a pretty sweet game, and I know it will only get better so stop by and grab it from our MobiHand Store and be the first of your friends to master this game!
If you went ahead and purchased the game, let us know what you think by either posting in our forum or leaving a comment below. Enjoy!
I went ahead and included some more screenshots for you to see the graphics. (These were taken on my Storm2)
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