Have you ever thought about how much work it takes to be a Mom? Moms are always busy taking care of numerous things like the house, family and even now, managing her office, or even her husbands office. Moms deserve a helping hand to do their job in a timely manner. With so much going on, by the end of the day, a Mom can lose valuable time for hersef. With this short list of apps i’m going to go over, a mothers day will get a whole lot easier now. BlackBerry app developers have launched several BlackBerry apps for moms to help them out. Let’s take a look into some very convenient and useful BlackBerry apps for moms. Shall we?
Viigo– Is a BlackBerry application designed to keep mothers up to date about work the family members are performing. whether it be sports, internet, recepies, TV or anything, your mom can just refresh the app to get all the live updates wherever and whenever she wants to.
Igallery -Is an application that transforms your mothers BlackBerry device into a digital photo frame with animation effects.Make a collection of your old photos and put them up on this application so your mom can have the best family memories possible, ready and highly accessible.
Spark Recipes -Is a mobile cookbook BlackBerry app for moms. It has a treasure of recipes with more than 2,00,000 recipes for moms to choose from and make. This is ideal for new moms who aren’t a connoisseur when it comes to cooking. The cookbook can be accessed anytime, so she can make anything upon the family members request.
Continue Reading for the next 3 Apps
Drivesafely– Is a security BlackBerry application that will help to keep mom’s safe while they are driving. The BlackBerry app will read texts, emails and calls that she receives. The clear voice quality and good audibility of the app makes it easier for her to attend to her texts and emails while being on a safe side with her hands on steering and eyes on road. No complicated software to install easy to use
OurGroceries –Is designed to keep the grocery list of the family up to date. All family members can install this app on their BlackBerry devices and then sync their devices. This will allow anyone to update the list and it will be updated and notified instantly to the other members. Whoever is near the grocery store can pick up the wanted groceries that are added.. This is really helpful in making a grocery list instantly and informing everyone about the updates! And its Free.
Kickberry– Is an app for soon to be moms. The application is made for counting the number of kicks a mom gets from her child. Each time the child kicks, the pregnant soonto be mom can count by just pressing a button. The application sounds weird but is real fun for to be moms. Healthy babies will show consistent movement over time. KickBerry keeps a record of each time you count your baby’s kicks, and how long it took to get to 10.
I’m sure there are many more useful applications out there that can be beneficial to moms. If you know of any other BlackBerry apps that will work as an assistant to help your mom in her daily tasks, please share them with us! All the apps listed above are FREE and can be downloaded by clicking the links. Thanks for reading!