Today we have a few more of the videos from BlackBerry, Alicia Keys and the Keep Moving Projects with BlackBerry 10. These latest videos are part of the “Your City Your Video” portion of Alicia’s project and they are from Montreal, Boston, New York, Atlantic City, and Washington DC.
For any of you that don’t know about this project here’s a quick run down to bring you up to speed on it. Alicia is asking for her fans to send in their own pictures that she may use in a special video that she is making in each city that she visits during her Set The World on Fire Tour.
Well here’s the latest of these videos for all of you to watch and maybe even see yourself in one. If you happen to appear in any sound off in the comments below and let us know.
Here’s Montreal.
Here’s Boston.
Here’s New York.
Here’s Atlantic City.
Here’s Washington DC.